Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Holiday Season & a quck update

As difficult as it is to believe (particularly when temps are just dipping in to the 70's) the holiday season is upon us.. As my wife will tell you, I have a bit of a love:hate relationship with this time of year. I enjoy what the traditional meanings of this season stand for, but often lament the way that they are celebrated in culture today. I enjoy Christmas music as a general rule, but loathe it before December 10. I enjoy that people are often motivated to be charitable, but wish that it didn't take a special season for that to happen. There are many more but I don't want to Grinch out any one's holiday zeal.. Just a number of thoughts that struck me today that I thought I would share..

On a more practical update note.. Some excitement of our own lately, I traveled home to Michigan for 5 days to do some hunting w/ my dad and will have venison by Christmas at the latest :) Liz had a visit during the same time from my mom, who spoiled Liz rotten and enjoyed a girls day at the spa. We spent turkey day with friends Angela & Kyle who prepared a masterful feast, it was great to hang out with them and their family and friends, thanks for opening your home to us. Liz was a mad woman and went shopping at 6:15 Friday morning "just for fun" particularly as we have completed most of our Christmas shopping already. I will never understand the "fun" in that experience. And the countdown is on for the return to Michigan for Christmas, the report is that snow is falling regularly and we cant wait, only 22 days.

As always, check out the latest in photos at our family flickr page
or Eric's portfolio page

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