Monday, June 25, 2007

Michigan Update

Some people know about my ever growing photography hobby (addiction) and so my lovely wife let me upgrade my camera to a semi-pro level DSLR (for the non gadget folks, thats pretty nice). So I have been documenting our life since about a week ago today when my new toy arried so here are some pictures from our time here so far.

Liz w/ Roxy doing a fake portrait session for me.

At the Ann Arbor Summer Festival for an outdoor movie.
And right by Liz's parents house was the Michigan Challenge Hot Air Balloon Event which we went to a bunch of times to see cool things like this:

We also got to go to the Detroit Zoo and see tons of cool exhibits but the most well known and unique is the polar bear exhibit and we got to see him up close.

We capped off the week with Liz's sister, Jenny's graduation open house. Here is Jenny (far left) with some of her friends celebrating.

This week we are hanging out with my family and maybe making a few trips to visit friends as well.. Stay tuned. And as always check out more photos on Flickr using the link to the right.

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